There is always something
to celebrate: the anniversary of
the second moon landing, an 80’s revival
or the worst exam results.
This is how we see things at the Daniel and we are always ready for mischief. Just give us a call on +43 (0)316 703-200 or write us an E-Mail: events@hoteldaniel.com. Our ladies from the Event Team know best which event location is the right one and how to organize parties properly – so that you can really sit back and enjoy.
Your event – our profession & passion
Whether a wedding, birthday, Christmas or company party – we have the right room for every occasion and with our experience and the right details we make every party a success! We are also the right address for Business Meetings, Conferences and Team-Workshops
Flexible and individual
Buffet or catering, playlist or DJ, beverage service or bar – we are here for you to make your party unforgettable. Our event team will be happy to assist you with the planning!
The right event location for every celebration
Even in Graz, life is much too short to let an excuse to celebrate pass you by, or not to put on your dancing shoes. At the Daniel, we don’t celebrate the festivities as they are marked on the calendar, but rather when you want to celebrate them. Trust us when we say that we have years of experience in this kind of thing.
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